The development of a garden tiger moth in 22 pictures

Arctia caja

The last couple of weeks, I’ve been documenting the growth and development of the Garden tiger moth. Because I want to include the entire caterpillar stage and it’s impossible to accurately predict how long this will take, I have to take into account multiple scenarios. In this case, I planned a photo session every other day, just to be sure I had the photos I needed. If the caterpillar stage lasts for 6 weeks, as was the case with this species, I have a lot of photos and I only need 8 of them for the final series. I thought it was a shame not to use so many other ones, so I decided to turn them into an animation.

Scaled to proportion

Putting such an animation together takes some effort. I had to edit all the pictures (normally I only edit the 8 pictures that are in the final series). Secondly, I had to scale them to proportion so you can see how much the caterpillar has grown. That took a lot of calculating. Finally, I had to align all of them, so they are all in approximately the same spot and there are no big fluctuations in placement.

This resulted in the following animation

Arctia caja

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